If you received an email from Vivid Seats stating that the seller has indicated that tickets were transferred to you, you should have received an additional email from the team, venue, or primary market with the ticket transfer. Locate this email by searching by the name of your event or keywords such as "sent you tickets" or "ticket transfer". Always check your junk and spam folders as well!

Once you have located the email with your ticket transfer, click the link or button to accept your tickets and follow the prompts to create an account. 

When accepting your tickets, you may be asked to enter additional information, it is essential that all of this information is filled out completely and correctly in order to ensure proper delivery. Be sure to type in all of the information manually, as auto-filling may not trigger the button to continue on to the next step of the process.

Additionally, if you are having trouble accepting your tickets, please try again with a different device (tablet, laptop, smartphone, desktop, etc.) or with a different browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox).